
Et af de fedeste boardgames til dato

RoboRally er oprindelig udtænkt af spilgeniet Richard Garfield fra "Wizard of the Coast". Han var f.eks. også hjernen bag Magic: The Gathering. RoboRally går ud på at manøvrere din robot rundt på et fabriksgulv fuldt af forhindringer (og andre robotter ikke mindst). For at manøvrere robotten får hver spiller et antal manøvreringskort, som man kan bruge til at programmere sin robot. Man kan dreje til højre og venstre, lave U-vendinger, bakke eller gå fra et til 3 skridt fremad. Hver robot har fem programregistre, til at lagre kommandoer. En tur består derfor af fem faser, hvor hver robot simultant udfører kommandoerne i deres respektive registre. Bagefter aktiveres de forskellige board-elements i en bestemt rækkefølge.

Forhindringerne på fabriksgulvet kan antage meget forskellig karakter. Der er uigennemtrængelige mure, der er uendeligt dybe pits, lasere, crushere, transportbånd og mange flere. Med lidt held og list skal du nå først frem til det sidste checkpoint på brættet for at vinde spillet. Piece of cake.

På denne side kan du se de enkelte board-elements, deres funktion i spillet og ikke mindst deres timing, dvs. i hvilken fase af turen de virker. Nederst på siden er der desuden en række små boards som man sagtens kan kombinere til en større bane. Du er velkommen til at downloade banerne og manipulere dem efter behag. Med et godt billedbehandlingsprogram (jeg bruger PaintShop Pro) kan man også selv opbygge nye baner fra bunden ved at sammensætte de enkelte board-elements.

Nedenstående liste over de enkelt board-elements og deres funktion kan udprintes og bruges som hurtig reference. Listen er på engelsk af hensyn til vores internationale besøgende her på siden.


Open floor

These represent empty factory floor. Robots may move freely through these squares.


These represent essentially bottomless shafts. Robots entering or moving over these squares will be destroyed. Also, open edges of the playing board act like pits, and robots moving off an open edge are destroyed.


These represent factory walls, which block robot movement and laser fire. Robots that attempt to move through a wall simply stay where they are. Running into a walls does not damage a robot. Adjacent walls between boards count as one wall, not two.

Checkpoint & Repair Sites

FUNCTION: Any robot touching a checkpoint or repair site at the end of a turn is repaired. Any robot touching a checkpoint or repair site at the end of each phase has its archive position updated to that checkpoint.

OPERATION: Each robot remaining on one of these squares at the end of a turn has 1 point of damage repaired for each wrench appearing on the square. Also, robots on a repair site with two wrenches may choose to recieve an option card instead of recieving repairs.

TIMING: Only occurs at the end of a turn, after the fifth register phase.

Express Conveyer Belts

FUNCTION: All conveyer belts push robots forward. Express conveyer belts push robots forward two squares.

OPERATION: Move robots on express belt icons forward one square first. The second square of movement occurs at the same time normal conveyor belts move. If any conveyor belt pushes a robot onto a rotating conveyor belt the robot is rotated 90 degrees in the indicated direction.

TIMING: Occurs during Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. The first square of movement is the first step in Board elements Move.

Conveyer Belts

FUNCTION: All conveyer belts push robots forward. Normal conveyer belts push robots forward one squares.

OPERATION: Move robots on normal conveyor belts and express conveyor belts forward one square. If any conveyor belt pushes a robot onto a rotating conveyor belt the robot is rotated 90 degrees in the indicated direction.

TIMING: Occurs during Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. The first square of normal belt movement and the second square of express belt movement occur simultaneously, and are the second step in Board elements Move.


FUNCTION: Occasionally push robots.

OPERATION: If a robot is on this square when the pusher is active, the robot is pushed into the adjacent square. Pushers can push multiple robots, and they push only on the phases shown on the pusher.

TIMING: Occurs during the Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. On phases when pushers are active, they push in the third step of Board Elements Move.


FUNCTION: Rotate robots 90 degrees.

OPERATION: Robots on these squares are rotated 90 degrees in the indicated direction.

TIMING: Occurs during the Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. They turn in the fourth step of Board Elements Move.


FUNCTION: Occasionally destroy roboot

OPERATION: If a robot is on a square when the crusher is active, the robot is destroyed. Crushers crush only on the phases shown on the crusher.

TIMING: Occurs during the Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. On phases when crushers are active, they crush in the fifth step of Board Elements Move.

Laser Beams

FUNCTION: Lasers damage robots

OPERATION: Robots caught in a laser beam at the end of a phase receive a point of damage for each beam in the square. Robots are not damaged by moving through a laser beam, since the lasers are not turned on during the robots movement phase. Lasers are blocked by walls and other robots. If two or more robots end their movement in the same laser beam, then only the one closest to the laser mount will be damaged (the closest robot will block the laser from hitting other robots).

TIMING: Occurs during the Resolve Laser Fire segment of the register phase sequence. Both board-mounted lasers and robot-mounted lasers damage robots at this time.

Armed & Dangerous


FUNCTION: Drains destroy robots.

OPERATION: When a robot moves onto or over a drain, the robot is destroyed. Treat drains as pits.

TIMING: Occurs when a robot moves over or onto a drain.


FUNCTION: Ledges separate one level from another.

OPERATION: When a robot crosses over a ledge from the upper level to the lower level the robot lands and receives 2 points of damage. When a robot is approaching a ledge from the lower level, treat the ledge as a wall.

TIMING: Occurs when a robot is moving over or into a ledge.


FUNCTION: Ramps allow travel from one level to another.

OPERATION: When a robot is moving up a ramp from a lower level, treat the ramp as an extra square of open floor. If a robot stops on the extra square, move the robot back 1 square. When a robot is moving down a ramp from the upper level, the ramp has no effect on robot movement.

TIMING: Occurs when a robot moves up or down a ramp.


FUNCTION: Randomizers change robot programs.

OPERATION: A robot on a randomizer replaces its current program card(s) with a card drawn randomly. Later, during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence, the robot executes the card according to the card's priority.

TIMING: Occurs during the Reveal Program Cards segment of the register phase sequence.


FUNCTION: Teleporters modify robot movement cards.

OPERATION: A robot executing a movement card on a teleporter appears as many squares forward as indicated by the movement card plus 2 squares, ignoring all intervening board elements. If another robot or a non-flat device is in the square the robot would arrive in, the teleporter does not operate and the robot executes its movement card normally. Robots executing rotate cards are not affected by teleporters.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence at the priority of the movement card.


FUNCTION: Water slows down robots executing movement cards.

OPERATION: The first square is negated. (A robot executing a Back-Up or Move 1 will not move; a robot executing a Move 2 will move forward 1 square.) As a robot is moving into a water square from a non-water square, treat the water as open floor.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence at the priority of the movement card.


FUNCTION: Current moves robots through water.

OPERATION: A robot in a current moves 1 square in the direction of the flow. (Robots in a current must also follow all rules for water.)

TIMING: Occurs during the Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence, after conveyor belts but before pushers.

Crash & Burn


FUNCTION: Flamers damage robots.

OPERATION: When a robot moves onto or through an active flamer, or when a robot fails to leave an active flamer, the robot receives 1 point of damage. If a robot ends a register phase on an active flamer, the robot takes an additional 1 point of damage. A flamer isonly active during the register phases shown on the flamer.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase when a robot moves onto or through an active flamer, and again during the Resolve Laser Fire segment of the register phase. During phases when flamers are active, flamers cause 1 point of damage.

Oil Slicks

FUNCTION: Oil slicks move robots.

OPERATION: If a robot attempts to end its movement on an oil slick, it continues to slide in the direction of its movement until it is stopped by a wall or another robot that is not on an oil slick, or until it is no longer on an oil slick. If a robot slides into another robot that is on an oil slick, both robots slide as described above. Note that a robot does not slide until it attempts to end a movement on an oil slick; robots that are still moving behave in the normal manner. If a robot begins its movement on an oil slick, the first square of movement is negated. Oil slicks have no effect on rotate cards.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robot Move segment of the register phase.


FUNCTION: Portals move a robot to other specific locations.

OPERATION: A robot that enters a portal during the execution of a movement card immediately moves to another portal of the same colour, and continues its movement from there. If another robot occupies the moving robot's destination portal, the portal does not activate and the moving robot continues to move as if the portal were open floor.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robot Move segment of the register phase.

Grand Prix

Trap Door Pits

FUNCTION: Trap door pits are covered pits that occasionally opens to destroy robots.

OPERATION: If a robot is on a square when the trap door pit is active, the trap door pit opens and the robot is destroyed. When not active, the trap door pit is treated as open floor. When a robot begins a phase on a trap door pit that has suddenly become active, the robot is destroyed.

TIMING: During a register phase in which a trap door pit is active, treat is as a pit for the entire phase.

Repulsor Fields

FUNCTION: Repulsor fields push robots that move into them.

OPERATION: A robot that moves into a repulsor field is pushed directly away from the field for a number of squares equal to its movement card, and loses any remaining movement from that card. A robot that is pushed into a repulsor field by another robot is pushed directly away from the repulsor field for a number of spaces equal to the pushing robot's movement card, and the pushing robot loses any remaining movement from its card. Robots being pushed by a repulsor field can push other robots. A robot can only be pushed by a repulsor field when it moves into a field or when it is pushed into a field by another robot.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence.

Chop Shop

FUNCTION: Chop shops have three distinct abilities that affect option cards. A robot may only use one function of a chop shop per register phase.

OPERATION: If a robot ends a register phase on a chop shop and has any options, it may either scrap one of its options and draw a new option card to replace it, or it may replenish the ammunition of one of its options. If a robot ends a turn on a chop shop, it may draw an option card even if it has no options.

TIMING: Occurs during the Touch Checkpoints segment of the register phase sequence.



FUNCTION: Radiation damages robots.

OPERATION: A robot that end its turn on a radiation square receives 1 point of damage.

TIMING: Occurs during the Resolve Laser Fire segment of the register phase sequence during the fifth register phase.

Radioactive Waste

FUNCTION: Radioactive waste damages a robot and activates dormant options on robots.

OPERATION: A robot that ends a register phase on a radioactive waste square receives 1 point of damage and may draw one option card.

TIMING: Occurs during the Resolve Laser Fire segment of the register phase sequence (when the robot receives 1 point of damage) and during the Touch Checkpoints segment of the register phase sequence (when the player may draw an option card).

One Way Walls

FUNCTION: One-way walls block robot movement and laser fire.

OPERATION: One-way wall are treated exactly like normal walls from the red side, but are treated as if they do not exist from the green side. Thus, robots, lasers, explosion damage, and so on may pass through a one-way wall from the green side, but may not pass through from the red side.

TIMING: Occurs when a robot moves into a one-way wall.

Radioactive Drain

FUNCTION: Drains destroy robots.

OPERATION: When a robot moves onto or over a drain, the robot is destroyed. Treat drains as pits.

TIMING: Occurs when a robot moves onto or over a drain.



FUNCTION: MagLocks occasionally stop or hinders robot movements.

OPERATION: Any robot passing onto or over an active MagLock end their movement on the MagLock and looses any remaining movements. Robots on an active Maglock cannot move, their movement cards are ignored. Robots on an active MagLock cannot be pushed and are not considered to be flying. If a robot is pushed onto an active MagLock they are instantly locked and cannot be pushed any further. A robot on an active MagLock may still use any weapon or any other option cards except cards that enables the robot to move away from the MagLock.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase when a robot moves onto, through or leaving the MagLock.

Lava Pits

FUNCTION: Lava pits occasionally damage robots

OPERATION: When a robot moves into or through a Lava Pit, the robot receives 1 point of damage. If a robot ends a register phase in a Lava Pit, the robot takes an additional 1 points of damage. An erupting (active) Lava Pit deals 2 points of damage to any robot standing in the Lava Pit and 1 point of damage to any robot standing in the 8 adjacent squares surrounding the Lava Pit.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase when a robot moves onto or through a Lava Pit (1 point of damage) and again during the Resolve Laser Fire segment (1 point of damage). The erupting Lava Pit occurs in the Resolve Laser Fire segment.


FUNCTION: Repeaters move robots

OPERATION: Robots standing on a Repeater at the end of the Robots Move segment must execute its current movement card once again, if it is a movement card (Move 1, Move 2, Move 3 or Back up). If several robots are repeating their movement cards they are executed in their normal priority order. If a robot is pushed by another robot onto a Repeater it is affected by the Repeater and follows the above declared rules. If the Robots repeated movement puts the robot on another Repeater, another round of repeated manoeuvres will occur.

TIMING: Occurs after the Robots Move segment before entering the next segment. This is repeated until no robot with a movement card in its active register is on a Repeater.


FUNCTION: Push robots.

OPERATION: Robots caught in the repulsor beam is pushed one square away from the repulsor mount.

TIMING: Occurs during the Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. Repulsors push in the third step of Board Elements Move at the same time as normal pushers.

Gold Conveyer Belts

FUNCTION: All conveyer belts push robots forward. Gold conveyer belts push robots forward three squares.

OPERATION: Move robots on gold belt icons forward one square first. The second square of movement occurs at the same time as express conveyor belts move. The third square of movement occurs at the same time as normal conveyor belts move. If any conveyor belt pushes a robot onto a rotating conveyor belt the robot is rotated 90 degrees in the indicated direction.

TIMING: Occurs during Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence. The first square of movement is the first step in Board elements Move.

Molten Metal River

FUNCTION: Current move robots through molten metal and damage them.

OPERATION: A robot in a molten metal river moves 1 square in the direction of the flow. If any molten metal river pushes a robot onto a rotating molten metal river the robot is rotated 90 degrees in the indicated direction. Any robot moved by molten metal river takes 1 point of damage.

TIMING: Occurs during the Board Elements Move segment of the register phase sequence, after conveyor belts but before pushers. (At the same time as water currents.)


FUNCTION: Hinder robots movement.

OPERATION: A robot starting its movement on slime cannot execute left turn, right turn, u-turn, backup or move 1 movement cards. All of these cards are ignored and the robot is not moved. To leave the slime a robot must execute a move 2 or a move 3. A robot on slime can still be pushed of the slime.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence at the priority of the movement card.

Freak Teleporters

FUNCTION: Freak Teleporters modify robot movement somewhat random.

OPERATION: A robot executing a movement card on a freak teleporter must first draw three random movement cards. These cards may be placed in any order and represent where the robot is teleported. The robot appears as indicated by the three movement cards, ignoring all intervening board elements. If another robot or a non-flat device is in the square the robot would arrive in, the freak teleporter does not operate and the robot executes its movement card normally. Teleported robots execute their movement card directly after they are teleported.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence at the priority of the movement card.


FUNCTION: Gates move a robot to other specific locations.

OPERATION: A robot that moves into a gate during the execution of a movement card immediately moves to another gate of the same colour, facing away from the gate, and continues its movement from there. If another robot occupies the moving robot's destination square, that robot is pushed as from normal movement.

The gate can only be entered from the coloured side. The other side acts as a wall.

TIMING: Occurs during the Robots Move segment of the register phase sequence at the priority of the movement card.

Spiked Walls

FUNCTION: These represent factory walls, which block robot movement and laser fire.

OPERATION: Robots that attempt to move through a spiked wall simply stay where they are. Running into or being pushed a spiked wall on the spiked side causes 1 point of damages to the robot. Adjacent walls between boards count as one wall, not two.